Outdoors Magazine

Mother's Day Bliss

By Hikingwithheather @HikingHeather
Mother's Day Bliss
I had the most blissful Mother's Day yesterday. I awoke slowly to soft sunbeams filtering in through the blinds, making the bedroom glow. I opened the blinds to let in the light and took a deep breath of crisp morning air through the open windows.
Mother's Day Bliss
I snuggled with my fur-babies and basked in the glow of being a dog-mom. I took my time getting up, not wanting to interrupt the perfect moment. I stared into the beautiful eyes of my dogs; absorbing the love fest. There were belly rubs, toe tickles, nose kisses and ear rubs.
Mother's Day Bliss
Eventually we crawled out of bed, made coffee, got the doggie breakfasts ready and then went in the backyard to sip coffee and watch them chase each other around while listening to the birds singing in the budding branches.
The day was unfolding perfectly.
Mother's Day Bliss
Mother's Day Bliss
Mother's Day Bliss
After a little while, I went back inside to unload the dehydrator of the dog treats I baked the day before and begin preparing the homemade cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting for my mom and I to enjoy for brunch.

Mother's Day Bliss

Puppies and rainbows. Perfection.

With the rolls in the oven, the house began to smell heavenly. I puttered around doing this and that, but nothing strenuous or too important, taking frequent breaks to snuggle the dogs or read a few pages from a magazine.
I took a long luxurious shower using all my best-smelling soaps, dressed in comfortable clothes and took the warm cinnamon rolls out to the backyard for a mid-morning brunch with Mom and the dogs.

Mother's Day Bliss

Play biting. So vicious! Hahaha!

By mid-afternoon I was ready to head over to Alan's house to drop off a card and plant for his mother and play with the dogs in his big backyard. The weather could not have been better and we all had a pleasant time sitting in lawn chairs enjoying the playful antics of the dogs and each other's company.
It was the best Mother's Day ever. And I can't stop smiling about how lucky I am to be a mom to these two perfect dogs.
Mother's Day Bliss

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