Politics Magazine

Most Favor Impeachment And Removal Of Trump

Posted on the 21 October 2019 by Jobsanger
Most Favor Impeachment And Removal Of Trump
Most Favor Impeachment And Removal Of Trump
These charts reflect the results of the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between October 13th and 15th of a national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,136 registered voters). The margin of error for adults is 2.7 points, and for registered voters is 3 points.
Just a few weeks ago, this poll showed a majority of Americans opposed to Donald Trump's impeachment or removal from office. That has changed significantly. Now 47% of adults favor impeachment, while only 38% oppose -- a gap of 9 points. Among registered voters, about 53% support impeachment and 40% oppose it -- a gap of 13 points.
The numbers for removal from office are similar -- 48% to 37% for adults, and 53% to 40% for registered voters. Those are gaps of 11 and 13 points in favor of the Senate removing Trump from office.

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