Debate Magazine

More Climate Change Fun

Posted on the 06 February 2022 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

Fairbourne was supposed to be the village that was going to be wiped out by Climate Change in the form of rising sea levels, but now it's bouncing back, as sceptics cash in on property prices depressed by Alarmism.
In 2014 when residents discovered they were to become Britain’s first “climate refugees”, the local property market crashed. House sales fell through, mortgage offers were hurriedly withdrawn and prices slumped 40%. Of those who could afford to take the hit, many left. Those forced to remain, felt “trapped”, said one resident. There were concerns Fairbourne would become a “ghost village”, its homes and amenities left to deteriorate in the absence of habitation and investment.
Added to which, the local authority siezed the opportunity to rid itself of a settlement of incomers from England:
In the years leading up to 2054, homes are to be levelled in the seaside village. Gas pipes and electricity pylons will be dismantled and, to add insult to injury, residents may be asked to contribute thousands of pounds for the privilege of razing their homes. Compensation is not an incentive as this is not being offered to the 420 homeowners forced to abandon Fairbourne when the village is 'decommissioned' in the run-up to 2054.
Unsurprisingly, all the people who were moaning about prices crashing in 2014 are now moaning about prices rising in 2022. When it comes to land prices, you can't please all of the people any of the time.

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