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Monitoring What Your Dog Eats

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog feeding

As with humans, animals can develop health problems due to overeating or a poor diet. Make sure your dog eats the right amount of food to maintain an optimal weight for his breed or size.

(Check out Why Feeding a Dog Right is Important)

Good Feeding Habits

  • The way you feed your dog is as important as what you feed him:
  • Set regular meals.
  • Make sure you wash the feeding bowls before every use.
  • Clear way feeding bowls when your dog has finished eating, especially if feeding moist canned or homemade foods.
  • Don’t feed your dog the same things that you eat – his needs are different, and some foods for humans (like chocolate) can be poisonous to dogs.
  • If you need to alter your dog’s diet, make changes gradually to avoid any stomach upset.
  • It is natural for a dog to eat fast; in the wild, this would stop other pack members stealing his food. If your dog gobbles his food too quickly, try using an anti-gorge bowl. This has lumpy protrusions in the base that your dog has to work around as the eats, thus slowing his rate of eating. This can help prevent digestive problems such as wind, vomiting, and indigestion.

anti-gorge dog bowl

Anti-Gorge Dog Bowl*

You need to check your dog’s condition regularly to ensure that he is not too fat or too thin. Body shapes differ between breeds, so find out what is normal for your dog’s breed. If you are not sure about the right quantity to feed, ask your vet.

*image credit

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