Art & Design Magazine

Modern Abstract Art: Abstract Artists Studios (I)

By Yasoypintor @antoniobasso

Famous abstract artists: Marden, Twombly, Tapies.

What would a modern abstract artist be without studio?. Artist studios are probably key for the devolopement of an artist. Light, location, disposition, many things affect the execution of a good abstract creation … In fact, a studio´s size 100% conditions modern abstract artists artworks. It is generally said that the bigger they are, the bigger the abstract art creations.

yasoypintor, contemporary art, modern art, conceptual art, modern abstract art, brice madren

For this article I have selected interesting pictures of some famous contemporary and modern artists whose abstract art I admire, and have influenced my abstract creations. Take a look at them and at the end of this article, feel free to join the conversation by answering the questions.

The above picture shows a piece of one of Brice Marden´s studios. It´s big, isnt it?. You can see he was working on two of his famous epitaph abstract painting series which are simply splendid.

Below you see  Cy Twombly´s studio. When this picture was taken, I guess he was working  in his abstract roses series. Probably some of this magnificent, colorful and fresh contemporary abstract paintings where exibited at his famous Gagosian gallery exhibition

yasoypintor, contemporary art, modern art, conceptual art, modern abstract art, Cy Twombly

What about distinc and superb informalist Antoni Tapies studio. I was told that one of his studios (probably this one) had two floors. Each day when he finished working he used to walk up the stairs to the second floor, and see “whith perspective” all the artwork made that day. It seems that this process helped him decide what creations where valid, and which ones nop.

yasoypintor, contemporary art, modern art, conceptual art, modern abstract art, Antoni Tapies

Well, this is all for today. Stay tunned for next post. I will continue showing famous abstract artists studios and stories.

Now the questions:

This one is for contemporary artists reading this post. What characteristics are key for a good artist studio?.

If you are a contemporary gallerist, art curator or modern art collector, please tell us, what do you like seeing and feeling when visiting an artist studio?.

Thanks for answering and please share this article with the people you think will enjoy it.

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By Meredith Kuntzsch
posted on 20 October at 19:57

The most important elements in a studio for me are space and windows or doors that I can open for fresh air. Those are the "bones" I desire. All the rest such as lighting, comfy chair, music, books, etc can be worked out.