Hair & Beauty Magazine

Mink 3D Makeup Printer

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple
Labels: Beauty, makeup, Mink 3D Makeup Printer
Mink 3D Makeup Printer
This morning, when I login into my twitter I saw@myshowcase's  tweet about Mink 3D makeup twitter
Mink is basically a 3D makeup printer helps us to print our own makeup.
For now we can only print eye shadows, but  in the future we will be able to print blushes, lipsticks, lip glosses or any other makeup we need to have photoshop or pixel picker, let's say you liked an eye shadow on a website and you want the same, all you need to do is open your pixel picker, copy the code and paste it and print it, woola here is your brand new eye shadow. 
Basically you can turn any makeup image to your own makeup. 
It will launch later this year for $300 
Any one who wants to have this little printer like me? :D
If you want to have more info you can find the link below the videos
Here is the link for more info Mink 3D Makeup Printer
Mink 3D Makeup Printer
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