Food & Drink Magazine

Minimalist Monday: Is a Simpler Life Attainable?

By Clairejustalittleless
Minimalist Monday: Is a Simpler Life Attainable?Question: do you want a simpler, more contented way of life that isn't consumer driven? OK, right now it may seem unattainable, but it really is within your grasp if you're ready to start making just the smallest adjustments to your life. Believe me, a few years ago I didn't know that a more minimalistic life was within my reach - I thought it required more discipline and radical action than I was capable of.

Almost 4 years ago, when I started to make my life simpler, I had no grand plan, just a desire to start reducing my possessions, my consumerist ambitions and to calm down the frantic pace of my life. Back then although I sought change, I couldn't envisage a newer, simpler life ever being a reality for me. Paying a large mortgage meant working full-time with little energy left to implement change. When I first discovered minimalism downsizing wasn't yet on my horizon but the more I learned about it and practised it the more my perspective changed. I began to see that my life wasn't fixed and that I could choose a simpler, different life. New possibilities started to shimmer on a newly expanding beautiful horizon.

Little bits of decluttering here and there led to the realisation that we could fit our family into a smaller house; cutting back on spending and living well on less gave me the courage to eventually leave a permanent job that was overwhelming me; slowing down and resisting the urge of busy-ness brought balance, self-acceptance and contentment to my life. 

Nowadays, almost 4 years into my my minimalist journey, I may not be keeping up with the Joneses externally, but internally I have gained so much self-knowledge and peace. In letting go of valuing status I'm beginning to let new values into my life: quietness, nature, improved health, closer relationships and a new found spirituality. In focussing less on the external I'm beginning to discover new ways to happiness.

Living in a smaller house with less stuff and less commitments doesn't happen over night. It takes time, discipline and a lot of fear has to be overcome along the way. Like working on a fiddly jigsaw, what seems impossible at first is achievable if you work on one area at a time. Piece by piece your new life will begin to fit together. There may be pieces missing but that's OK. The first step is to listen to what you really want from life and the rest will follow in time. 

A consumer driven life or a simpler life? It's your choice. 

Have you made that choice? Are you ready for change? I'd love to hear from you. 

Minimalist Monday: Is a Simpler Life Attainable?

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