Self Expression Magazine

Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders

In my younger days men always chased after me whether they were single, had girlfriends, or even wives it didn’t matter.

A lot of guys liked me, not because all were just interested in sex, they genuinely liked me as a person. They enjoyed my conversation; they were intrigued by my uniqueness.

I had male as well as female associates. Sometimes I even got along better with certain males than I did with females.

Men shared wild and intimate secrets with me. They’d have girlfriends or wives while having other women on the side and etc….

I was upfront with them letting them know that they would never get into my panties.

I had some that were glad I was the way that I was even though it was a bruise to their ego. Some were envious of me, some resented me, some didn’t care- I did not care either.

No one could take advantage of me, no one could get over on me. Everything I did was on my terms or to my advantage. I was never the emotional lovey-dovey type of female. Although I had no problem with expressing how I thought or felt.

I had some very funny and crazy experiences with guys.

There was a neighborhood guy in his fifties that was interested in me when I was in my twenties.

We were sitting in his jeep talking while a crowd of people were there hanging out, talking, enjoying the days of summer.

All of a sudden, he turned the key in the ignition, started the vehicle, and drove around the corner.

I opened the door to the jeep and hopped out as we were halfway down the block (he had not drove too fast as I was able to take a safe leap).

I knew he was going to try to rape me.

Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders

When I was out of the jeep he told me to get back in.

I told him no! “Get back into the jeep so that you can rape me and then everybody say that it was my fault for getting back into the jeep?” I spoke.

“Rape?!” He spoke.

This fifty something year old man then got out of his vehicle and literally chased me around the jeep telling me to get back in.

I purposely ran around the jeep to make an ass out of him. Then I walked back down the block to where the rest of the people were. He was nothing to worry about. He was high, hard-up, and frivolously hell-bent.

My mother and I laughed about it later when I told her what had happened “He was going to get him some ass, huh?!” She relayed back in truth and humor.

My mother acknowledged to me that I was lucky the man didn’t have power-locks in his jeep.

Rape is a serious crime and no laughing matter; however, this man was nothing to take serious in my situation I was in no further danger. I was well-known in the neighborhood; people knew him and what he was about. He definitely knew better. I was a hangout partner with his sister whom he didn’t get along too well with.

This man and I ran into one another weeks later as I were on my way to the store, he was parked on the corner and called me over to the car.

I brought up the prior incident.

“Rape?!” He said like the suggestion I made was preposterous in order to through me off. He wanted to make me feel foolish. Of course, it did not work.

“There is too much pussy out here to rape”, he added out of anger.

When I did not back down and insisted on what he aimed to do he exclaimed, “I don’t want you!”

Then he admitted that by his last words he was just trying to hurt my feelings.

“My feelings are not hurt”, I expressed. “Why would I care if you want me or not?”

“Yeah, that could be true. You women can be cold”, he expressed back in return.

I, LaToya did not understand this man’s mentality at all. I did not understand the ignorance.

When I told a male associate the story he automatically knew instinctively as he addressed to me, “He was going to rape you”.

Months later, the fifty-year-old man’s sister came to me and told me that another female came to her and told her that her brother tried to rape her too. I and this other targeted girl did not personally know one another but I had seen her in the neighborhood before.

In return, the sister told the girl that she had heard about it before (through me but she did not tell the girl where she heard about it from).

The man’s sister told me that her brother trying to rape this other woman was not relevant because of her notorious promiscuous sexual behavior.

I disagree.

As far as I am concerned, even a prostitute does not deserve to be raped even though she may be asking for it depending on her situation.

If a woman does not consent to having sex, then no man has the right to force himself on the woman regardless of her sexual history.

Rape is an act of violence and control.

Men With The “Wrong Head” On Their Shoulders

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