Travel Magazine

Memorial De La Resistance - France

By Annie
The memorial to the Resistance Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure in Charente , was built at the end of the Second World War in memory of the 1465 martyrs of the Resistance fighters and the Charente and Charente-Maritime Cemetery.  Memorial de la Resistance - France   It is both a memorial to the Resistance and National Cemetery.  The Maquis Bir Hacheim had Chasseneuil-sur-Bonnieure as cradle. The surviving members including Colonel André Chabanne and Guy Pascaud had the idea, since the release of the Charente, a monument to the glory of resistance, intended to perpetuate the memory of the fallen volunteers "for freedom and greatness the fatherland "and in particular the 170 shot, deported and died in combat known or anonymous scrub Bir Hacheim.  Edward and Guy Pascaud donated a hill overlooking Chasseneuil and wood that housed the beginnings of the Maquis Bir Hacheim   Memorial de la Resistance - France  The monument, which is reached by 60 steps, is 21 meters high and symbolizes the strength of its form "V" for Victory and the Cross of Lorraine.  Memorial de la Resistance - France  As you stand here looking at the road you have just driven up it looks like a straight road , very cleverly done..
Memorial de la Resistance - France  No there is actually a bend , and you drive pastand up to the car park ..Memorial de la Resistance - France
As we were here the rain poured but Diane and I still managed to get out and get some photos .. it was quite eerie but not in a scary way.  All the photos below are taken from around the monument .. I need no more words.  Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France And around the cemetery
Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France
Memorial de la Resistance - France
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