Hair & Beauty Magazine

Meet SkinAgain!

By Knovak81 @knovak81

Meet SkinAgain!

Image: SkinAgain

Started in 2006 by Sherrie Berry, SkinAgain was created by accident. While relaxing on her patio, Sherrie and her friend decided to light the fire pit. The lighter fluid her friend used was in a poorly labeled can and was intended for use in remote cars. After pouring into the fire, there was an instant chemical explosion and Sherrie was badly injured. She suffered first and second degree burns on her face, chest, neck, arm and hair. After the horrific accident she remembered a pot healing cream that a friend of hers, a Swiss entrepreneur, had given her to try out. She stared to use the cream on her burns and was amazed at the way the cream moisturized and healed her skin. Sherrie thought about what the pot of cream did for her and wondered what it could do for others. During that time she decided to make the healing potion and SkinAgain her life's mission.
SkinAgain has grown tremendously, and though the original focus was on burn patients, they have expanded to offer men and women solutions for their wrinkle, stretch mark and acne concerns. Loved by professionals in the beauty and medical field, SkinAgain's transformative products are carried in spas, salons, wellness centers and by medical suppliers.

Meet SkinAgain!

oZ-Tone Image: SkinAgain

I was lucky enough to get my hands on SkinAgain's oZ-Tone recently and was excited to try it out. oZ-Tone is a serum that was formulated to hydrate and help skin restore on a cellular level. It repairs current damage and cuts down on inflammation while firming the skin. Packed with 312 ingredients from rejuvenating elements, it is an all natural alternative to so many of the chemically laced products on the market today. Some of the ingredients include, Clary Sage, Green Tea, Grape Seed Oil and Aloe Vera. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the fantastic ingredients inside the bottle. I was pleased to see that the ingredient list read less like a chemistry test and more like a grocery list. See for yourself:
The serum feels light and instantly hydrates upon application. I loved this since my skin always feels so dry, even after using moisturizer. It does not leave behind a reside and there was no tacky feeling that serums usually leave. What I experienced after the first use was glowy, hydrated skin. I continued to use oZ-Tone, applying day and night and my results were truly magical. After a week not only was my skin still incredibly hydrated, but there was a clarity that wasn't there before. My skin was luminous and felt smooth and soft. I truly believe that the serum plumped up my skin and made it look younger. The fine lines around my mouth and eyes did not seem as prominent as they were before starting with this product. I have continued to use oZ-Tone for about two months and my results have remained consistent.
SkinAgain offers a slew of skin care solutions and aims to cure whatever ails you. From an SPF 30 sunblock to their great line for men, to their post wax serum and exfoliating cleansers, you are guaranteed to find something to incorporate into your life. Personally, I have my eyes on their Clear Collection Box. The three piece boxed set contains their Clarifying Cleanser, spot treatment and a serum called ACT. All of the products were designed to combat inflammation and control sebum production on the skin, which is the reason why we experience breakouts in the first place. I have been unsuccessful at finding a product that heals my acne flare ups that I have been living with for months, and really think this could work wonders. After all, I have seen the magical powers of oZ-Tone and am confident that anything SkinAgain makes delivers results.
In addition to their effective products, SkinAgain also has a blog on their website which is chock full of relevant, informative articles written by experts in the medical, skincare and beauty industry. My fellow beauty blogger Claudia and I have both written articles for the blog and I suggest you check it out. In addition, SkinAgain's Facebook page is a great forum to ask questions about which products are right for you, learn about their brand and enter their frequent giveaways. The friendly SkinAgain staff is super knowledgeable and will answer all of your questions with lightening speed. (Dan I'm looking at you!)
Do yourself a favor and explore what SkinAgain can do for you and your skin. This is a brand that you can feel good about using and will absolutely love. Their range is natural, reasonably priced and effective. What more do you need?
SkinAgain can be purchased at

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