Books Magazine

Media for the Middle of Your Week

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

This week’s movie is Wanderlust.  This is the kind of movie I like to call perfect background noise.  The plot  is simple and doesn’t require a lot of effort to follow, there aren’t too many twists and turns, it’s funny but not overly entertaining.  Basically it’s the kind of movie you put on when you want to have something on t.v. while you’re working on a project, cooking a complecated dinner, doing paperwork, etc…

IMDB movie summary: “Rattled by sudden unemployment, a Manhattan couple surveys alternative living options, ultimately deciding to experiment with living on a rural commune where free love rules.”   There’s not a lot more to it than that, maybe a little more (the relationships between the characters were more complex than I expected, but considering I expected nothing that doesn’t say much).  Basically think of every other comedy you’ve ever seen where someone goes to a commune looking for something simpler and thats this movie.

While this is in no way, shape, or form a “good movie” it was kind of funny.  I enjoyed it as an end of the day, just got back from work, need to turn off my brain for a while movie. And that it sure did.  There are also penguins.  And I like penguins.

Wanderlust is not yet available for online streaming via netflix but you can rent it through Amazon or iTunes (although I honestly wouldn’t advise you to pay money for it…)

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