I'm a firm believer that when you don't like something about yourself you should find a responsible way to fix it. Responsibly taking care of ourselves shows our children the importance of making yourself a priority. When we take the focus away from physical obsession and turn it into finding ways to better ourselves (inside and outside), we become better examples for our children. So that's what I've done. I met with my amazing friend Cynthia Barnes who specializes in the skincare business. She's hooked me up with products that are meant to repair some of the damage and neglect I've put my skin through.
I never share a product or company on this blog that I don't believe in. I trust Cynthia and believe in Mary Kay. In the spirit of sharing everything with my readers I decided to put my before photos out for you to see. These pics were taken Easter weekend. The TimeWise Skincare regimen I'm on promises results in 90 days. That's right about the 4th of July so I'll be taking/posting pics periodically between now and then so we can measure how well the products are working. I know I could have shared the before and after pics at the same time and had a little less embarrassment. However, I decided that wouldn't be as authentic.
My hope in sharing this is that anyone who feels the way I have felt lately will begin taking responsible steps to fix it, whatever that means for them. All women should feel beautiful and happy with themselves. I'm certainly on my way.
Me. The "before" pic. No Makeup. Still getting used to the idea that this is "me" at 39

So baby oil at the beach in the 80's each summer really did turn into fine lines & wrinkles. If I had only listened!

The dark circles under my eyes have actually improved thanks to a job change and a concentrated effort to get more sleep.