Hair & Beauty Magazine

Maybelline One by One Mascara

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
When someone says Maybelline I don't really think of any other products other than mascara. I know they do some really good products but I think of mascara straight away. To be honest I don't really have many Maybelline products, one of them is though the One by One mascara.
Maybelline One by One Mascara
Now I have to be honest I don't really think I like this. I love the idea that it coats the lashes one by one and separates and gives no clumps. But I don't agree with any of these things really.It has a plastic brush, and we all know I hate plastic bristles. I don't know what it is about them but they just hate me and I hate them.
Maybelline One by One Mascara
As you can see it is quite fat and has short sparse bristles. As for the formula I think it is quite good. It dries fairly quickly but isn't very waterproof (i.e not at all).
Maybelline One by One Mascara
I just don't think it coats the lashes individually at all and it gives a false clumpy look. 
You can get it here for £8.49.
I am looking forward to getting my hands on their new mascara!
Thank you see you soon.
Love Allie x x x x
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