Politics Magazine

Mattis Resigns Over Serious Policy Differences With Trump

Posted on the 22 December 2018 by Jobsanger
Mattis Resigns Over Serious Policy Differences With Trump Resignations from Trump's cabinet and White House staff are not unusual. His administration has been chaotic since the beginning, and the staff turnover has been huge. But the latest resignation may be the most important, and damaging to Trump's administration yet.
On Thursday, Secretary of Defense James Mattis (pictured), submitted his resignation to Trump. And instead of using the time-worn phrase of wanting to spend more time with family, Mattis made it clear in his resignation letter that he was leaving because of serious policy differences with Trump.
Mattis believes that this country should back our allies and oppose our enemies -- which all presidents in the past (of both parties) have tried to do. But Mattis finally had to admit that Trump is different. Trump has made a point of attacking our allies and coddling our enemies. Mattis could no longer go along with that, and realized that Trump could not be deterred from that crazy and dangerous policy.
In his resignation letter, Mattis said Trump deserved to have a Secretary of Defense that agreed with his policies (which Mattis could not do). Frankly, I find that thought frightening -- a Secretary of Defense that agrees with attacking our allies and coddling our enemies.
Here is the text of Mattis' resignation letter:
Mattis Resigns Over Serious Policy Differences With Trump
Mattis Resigns Over Serious Policy Differences With Trump

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