Fashion Magazine

Marvel Skirt, Red Tank Top, and Retro Sunglasses

By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses | www.eccentricowl.comMarvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |

Hello lovelies!

Today I am working on what feels like a massive Etsy update, tackling the boxes I have yet to delve into and posting some of my most treasured finds (wedding dresses! 1960’s wiggle dress! 60’s and 70’s slips/sheer robes! 1970’s maxi dresses!) which is hard. All of the things I got through photographing today are things I’ve been hoarding because… pretty. Even though they don’t fit me, or they wouldn’t fit my style/life at all. Having an Etsy shop is really good for me, because it forces me to break my hoard-all-the-pretty-vintage habits and share what I’ve found with someone else who can actually wear the garments and enjoy them.

Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |
Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |

As you’ll notice, I’m not pregnant in these pictures. Don’t worry, baby girl is just fine! I’m just too ensconced in Etsy updating to do my own outfit photoshoot today, so I’m sharing these pictures instead, which somehow never got used and are from August of last year!

I don’t know how that happened; usually I’m over-eager to share my outfits with you all, and end up posting the same day that I’ve shot an outfit. But somehow, as I scrolled through my files of outfits for different ways I’ve styled this skirt, I discovered I never posted this one. So here we are!

Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |
Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |
And now looking at the images, I have to say: I miss those shoes terribly. They were my first shoe purchase from Modcloth, and I literally wore them to pieces. Literally. The bottoms cracked, and they split across the sole into two. So much for that. But I had them for two years, and wore them excessively, so I’d say they were a pretty good buy. 
Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |
Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |

Now to replace them. My mustard T-straps will probably be the next to go, since they’re a sort-of replacement shoe for these, being wedges and strappy, but I still need a good pair of red wedges. And… just more pregnancy-friendly shoes in general. I have been banned from wearing high heels of any sort (low wedges like these are okay) from now until baby girl gets here (side note: I am so ready for her to arrive so that I can actually use her name) because the other week I slipped on loose gravel and took a slow fall to my knees, effectively scaring my husband. I wasn’t even wearing heels, but he banned me anyway. Haha!

And we’re all okay, though my scabby knees might argue otherwise.

Marvel skirt, red tank top, and retro sunglasses |

Tank, Target | skirt, self-made | belt, thrifted | shoes, sunglasses, and headband, Modcloth

I hope you are all having a lovely week! It’s been gloriously sunny and warm this week, for which I am extremely thankful! Lots of walks to the beach are in order.

Be sure to check my Etsy shop later for some gorgeous updates (or, you can wait until I get everything posted and do a massive Etsy update/thrift haul combo, because that’s going to happen. And as always, use OWLREADER for 15% off!)

Happy Wednesday!


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