Travel Magazine

Mantra Meditation

By Vikasacharya 
Hey Friends…nude male yoga pics are getting harder to find. Your submissions would be greatly appreciated.:

The word mantra comes from the Sanskrit, “mantrana”, meaning suggestion. Mantras are sacred, potent words, which yield tremendous results in the physical, mental and spiritual levels, when chanted with concentration and devotion. Mantra yoga is an exact science where the mantras are signposts to the wandering mind, steering it to an ambient poise for meditation. Repetition of mantras completely engages the mind, offering a means of getting closer to the divinity within. Chanting of mantras produces positive vibrations, bringing benefits to the one who chants as well as the one who listens. The yoga of sound involves chanting; chanting is a centuries-old technique that connects humans with themselves, the universe, and Spirit.  Chanting raises vibrations of the individual practicing and a result, people who chant feel alive, peaceful, and centered.  We all know that in order to attain good physical health and happiness, the body requires adequate exercise, proper diet, and rest.  More importantly and more overlooked is the health of our inner self which also requires nourishment and attention.  When we neglect our spiritual, inner self, we become imbalanced and negative in attitude and emotions. ‘Yoga’ -the very word radiates peace and tranquility. This feeling probably stems from the etymology of the word. The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which essentially means to join or unite. The union referred to is that of the individual self uniting with Cosmic Consciousness or the Universal Spirit. Yoga is a means to achieving this goal.

* Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs/ animals/ yoga/ places  are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. all image credit goes to their Photographers.

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