Destinations Magazine

Manger in the 11th: "This Was the Best Meal of Our ......" "An 8.8/10".

By Johntalbott

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8.3 Manger, 24, rue Keller in the 11th (Metro: Ledru-Rollin),, closed Sundays and Mondays has some of the most interesting cooking since Ze Kitchen Galerie came down the pike; not surprising since chef William Pradeleix has worked in San Francisco, London (apparently Brooklyn and Bruxelles) and visited Bora Bora and Mexico as well as been influenced by Gagnaire, Alleno and Trama - whew!  And all that by 22 (well that's how old he looks!)

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The carte looks not unusual, stuff like gaspacho, veggies, beef and chicken but wait.....

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The carpaccio of dorade had a startling sauce of soy and ginger and the tartare of maigre an equally head-snapping sauce of guacamole and wasabi - say what?

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Then Madame had the yellow chicken with endives that was tenderness itself; Monsieur the shoulder of spring lamb with a dense red sauce with bulgar, dates and almonds; and I (of course) got the winner - no, just kidding) the cod in curry with lemon grass, cilantro and basil - a taste spread I've never experienced before.  At some point they both said "This was the best meal of our ......" and I said "it's good but how good?" - Answer "An 8.8/10".  Wow!  Better than yesterday.  High praise indeed from a couple who have lived here about 25 years and eaten at and with the best from RW Apple Jr to Pierre Gagnaire.

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We could not leave well enough alone so finished up with a chocolate/coffee/cappuccino delight and a millefeuille of the day that was smooth as silk.

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With a fine bottle of wine, good bread, no Chateldon (altho it beckoned Madame) and 3 coffees, the tab came to 155.50 E, thus 103.33 E a couple.

Go?  We're on a tear and you will be too.

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