Fashion Magazine

Managing IBS Flare-ups

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

An IBS flare-up involves a heightening of symptoms of IBS. It can last months, although in some cases it ends after a few hours. Conventional medicine relies on various medicines in the treatment of IBS. However, with problems such as leaky gut and food triggers, many people look to diet and natural treatments. In this article, we will look at some of the options for non-conventional treatments for an IBS flare up.

Gut-directed Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has been used as a treatment for a number of physical ailments like chronic pain and addiction to tobacco, with varying degrees of success. The connection between the brain and the gut is utilised in a focused but relaxed mind. The mind taps into the subconscious, which does not have the ability to discern between reality and fantasy. Using visualisation and repeated words, the subconscious can be convinced that it is not in pain and thus works to bring this about.

Gut-directed hypnotherapy does not need any drugs and can help some sufferers very effectively. Because it is natural, it does not cause further damage, whereas conventional medication always carries the risk of side effects. One research study determined that it works as well as the low-FODMAP diet with over 50% success rate. The main effect is a reduction in symptoms. It does not require any lifestyle changes or a diet plan for IBS, such as a gluten free diet plan.

The exact mechanisms of hypnotherapy for IBS have not been determined yet, but it appears to decrease sensitivity to pain in specific areas of the brain. It is also deemed to restore the brain-gut neural pathways. Thirdly, pain is made worse by depression and anxiety-which can be symptoms of an IBS flare-up -and hypnotherapy may decrease these, thereby lessening the sensation of pain.

Reduce Stress

A person with IBS can be more stressed because of their condition. During a flare-up, stress is increased via the brain-gut connection. This is why hypnotherapy is useful as a means to reduce stress. Some people practice mindfulness meditation. Studies have shown it to be effective in decreasing pain and bloating as well as stress. Yoga has also been tried, with some success, and reduced symptoms and stress in some IBS sufferers.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has a centuries-long history of being a helpful remedy for many ailments. The FDA in the States has approved its use for IBS, and this is backed by clinical research. It is also a natural treatment. Menthol is the active ingredient and has been found to dull pain. It also relaxes the colon muscles and relieves bloating and constipation. For patients who cannot handle the capsule form, peppermint tea for IBS has been effective.

Body Recomposition

When someone diets and fails to lose weight, this could be due to body recomposition. Fat turns to muscle and the latter is heavier than the former. Dietary changes can help IBS through body recomposition.

An IBS flare up can be unpleasant, with worsening symptoms. However, natural treatments provide a great alternative to conventional medicine. Many people have used these treatments successfully.

If you have tried conventional treatment and dietary changes for your IBS, give natural remedies a try.

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