Politics Magazine

Major Post: Alpha Game Rebuts My Roissy Takedown

Posted on the 05 August 2014 by Calvinthedog


I do not mind this Vox Day fellow so much (he is much better than the repugnant Roissy or even the most less scary Roosh), and although he doesn’t believe it, I am actually a reader of his site. And yes, I even take notes. I am not so much of a Game Enemy as I am part of the Loyal Opposition.

He accuses me of not understanding Game, but I understand it very well.

My critique remains the same.

Obviously, according to Game Theory, 20% of men are going to monopolize most of the best women. These women will be content to share an Alpha’s harem. These 20% are the Alphas. They are attractive to most of the women most of the time.

60% of men are the Betas. Despite the despicable hatred for these salt of the Earth, sincamisas (shirtess ones), Ordinary Joes, guy next door types on the PUAsphere, Betas are simply average, ordinary men. They are attractive to some of the women some of the time, which is simply normal. In the past, due to religion and institutionalized marriage, almost all Betas married and had children. Now many are not. Nevertheless, most of the Beta types around me have a girlfriend or wife.

Omegas are the ~15% of men who are attractive to hardly any of the women almost all the time. Basically the castaways and by-catch. Nevertheless, quite a few eventually marry or get a girlfriend.

According to Roissy’s site and almost all PUA sites, the only worthwhile men at all are the men who fall into the top 20% of all men. Since according the new system, the 20-60-20 rule is pretty much the way things go, the men who monopolize the best women and who are attractive to most of the women most of the time are the top 20% of men. These are the only worthwhile men in the whole world, PUA’s tell us. The other 80% are ridiculed and showered with spitting, frothing contempt on all PUA sites, but particular hatred is reserved for the Ordinary Man, the Regular Guy, the Beta.

So in a rigged system where only 20% of men can win and 80% must lose, the PUAsphere says that the only valuable men are the 20% winners, while the 80% losers (who must lose, now have you, no matter how hard they try, due to the rules of the game), are utterly contemptible garbage virtually unworthy of life. Roissy is one of the worst offenders here. He constantly encourages his fawning street gang of sociopaths to pour contempt of the despicable Betas and anything resembling Beta behavior, whatever that is.  Roissy’s commenters are even worse.

If Alphas are the men who rank 1-20 on the 1-100 scale, the low Betas would be men who rank 13-20. High Betas would be men who rank 20-40 on the scale. According to Roissy’s scummy commenters, even low Alphas and High Betas are disgusting, contemptible failures to be mocked and jeered. I guess the only men who are worthwhile in society are the top 13% of all men. The other 87% are all untermenschen deserving of death.

All over this insane PUAsphere, we are told over and over that the only worthwhile women are the “top-notch” women, apparently those women who rank 9-10 on the scale of 1-10. Even 7’s and 8’s are disgusting, hideous dogs that no man would give a second glance to. Any woman less than a model type means failure.

Realistically, 10% of women are in each category, 10% are 1’s, 10% are 2’s, 10% are 3’s, 10% are 10’s,  10% are 9’s,  10% are 8’s. Get it? On the 1-10 scale, only 10% of women fall into each category.

The only worthwhile women are the top 20% of hotties though, and all the rest of ugly muglies. Any man who has a girlfriend or wife, or maybe even a date, who is less than a 9 is a complete loser, unworthy of even saying hello to.

All of this sickening garbage reminds of me of rightwing economics, which honestly says that the only worthwhile members of society are the rich and the upper middle class (the top 20% wage earners) and all of the rest of us are filth, useless heaters, not even human beings, expendable.

Noting the comparison with rightwing economics, it is fascinating that almost all PUA’s are reactionary nuts, although Roosh may be a more progressive guy.

This never made sense to me because all down through history, all the playboys have been liberal, progressive people. When I was growing up it was the same way. Hugh Hefner, Bob Guccione and Larry Flynt were all liberal, progressive men and so were their magazines. Most of the players I knew growing up were leftwing hipsters of one sort or another, a joint, a surfboard or a pair of skis in one hand and an endlessly rotating series of hot babes in the other. They were my models, and this is how I lived my life as a young man as a surf bum – ski bum – pot dealer.

When I was growing up, conservatives were dorks, idiots, neckbeards, Omegas. They were “squares” – starched buttoned up clothes, voted for Nixon, refused to smoke weed, looked like they hadn’t shit in a month and of course could barely get laid, or if they could, they only got with equally square, uptight, lame rightwing chicks who most of us disparaged as “the square girls.”

Now it’s all turned around. The reactionaries are the wild playboys (Huh?). Liberals and hipsters are as soft, wimpy feminist Betas.

So the whole universe got turned upside down in my lifetime.

Going back to economic analogy, in an unhinged, unregulated economy, 20% of men will be upper middle class (Alphas) and 20% will be lower class (Omegas). 60% will be some species of middle class (Betas). No matter how hard anyone tries, the outcome will always be like this. 20% will inevitably win, and 80% will inevitably lose.

Saying that only the upper middle class are really human, and the rest of us are shit is rightwing ruling class bullshit, but lo and behold, what economics does the PUAsphere push? This very same rightwing ruling class crap economics, now called Libertarianism, in other words, Economic Game.

And just as I figured, Vox Day, who I previously thought was a decent guy (but I was suspicious as hardly any PUA’s are decent human beings) has authored a book on Austrian Economics. Austrian Economics is the craziest of all the crazy, stupid Libertarian free market fundamentalist philosophies of economics. The Austrians are the most Libertarian of them all. Austrian Economics trends into Minarchism (Let’s Go Back and Live in the Middle Ages Economics), Anarchocapitalism (Somalia Uber Alles Economics) and other winner take all, loser die in the gutter, fuck you, let em eat cake economic systems.

There is nothing special about economic systems like this. Read any book about 1700’s Europe. The rich were partying up while the cities were full of horrific slums, starving working people, and the worst of misery. Peasant and worker rebellions were regular occurrences.

So it turns out Vox Day is a serious asshole after all (the Austrians are on my list of “human beings I refuse to even speak to). He’s proposing winner take all, let em eat cake sexual economics, and he’s promoting (Who woulda thunk it?) winner take all, let em eat cake monetary economics.

Aren’t there any sites we can talk about this Game stuff while avoiding all these reactionary maggots?

You connecting the dots here? PUA turds say that only the 20% of us men who are winners, sexually or economically, have any value. The rest of us, the 80% who will lose no matter how hard we try because the game is rigged as all contests are towards those finishing towards first place, those finishing in the middle and those finishing at end, are worthless, nauseating worms, failures, losers, men to be stomped into the ground like bugs on sight.

If they only advocated this it would be bad enough. But the PUAshphere is delusional. The PUAsphere more or less says all men can Alphas. All you need to do is read Roissy and buy all of Roosh’s books and videos (and I do mean all of them, don’t leave out even one of the $139.95 package) and you will get Game. Getting Game means becoming an Alpha. The unspoken (or maybe even  explicit) argument here is that all men can be Alphas if only they just try (and don’t forget to write Roosh that $150 check!).

In other words, all men can be in the top 20% of all of the men. All men can monopolize all of the best women. All men can be the top 20% of attractive men who get all the chicks. Are you laughing yet? It’s like Lake Wobegon, where everyone is above average!

This post attempts to address this major complaint of mine, but honestly fails in that Vox Day doesn’t even answer my question. Many of the commenters get my point in one way or another though, and there are some superb comments on that thread. I hate to say it but this is one of the most intelligent and insightful threads I have read on a PUA site in a while.

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