Lifestyle Magazine

Luxury Vases and Votives from Cumbria Crystal

By Claire

Wedding vases and votives from Cumbria Crystal (1)

Crys­tal vases and votives for your wed­ding tables

Cum­bria Crys­tal, the sole remain­ing pro­duc­ers of hand-blown and hand cut full lead Eng­lish crys­tal, has launched a brand new collection.

The Six Gift Col­lec­tion includes an ele­gant range of vases that also dou­ble as stun­ning votives. The col­lec­tion includes 6 styles of mod­ern glass designs grouped into one unique col­lec­tion. The designs are indi­vid­ual and inno­v­a­tive and have been cre­ated using the tra­di­tional hand blown and cut­ting tech­niques for which Cum­bria Crys­tal is renowned.

Katy Hol­ford explains that her inspi­ra­tion for the orig­i­nal Six Stemware Col­lec­tion, from which the new Six Gift Col­lec­tion has devel­oped, came from sit­ting with her friends around the din­ner table, “Each indi­vid­ual is unique and beau­ti­ful, but bound together by the com­mon bond of friendship.”

Six is also a play on words — the mak­ing of lead crys­tal is an art. To make a sin­gle glass, there are 6 indi­vid­ual processes, each step com­pleted by a highly skilled crafts­man. From blow­ing to cut­ting, every step is done by hand, cre­at­ing a glass of superb clar­ity and an arti­san finish.”

The range comes in 6 dif­fer­ent cut designs and three sizes. The cuts, which are ideal for arrang­ing flow­ers and sparkle bril­liantly with the light of a can­dle, have been launched by Cum­bria Crys­tal in time for a sum­mer of candle-lit out­door enter­tain­ment.

Wedding vases and votives from Cumbria Crystal (2)
Large Vase/Votive Height 175mm Diam­e­ter 200mm — £215
Medium Vase/Votive Height 125mm Diam­e­ter 150mm — £145
Small Vase/Votive Height 83mm Diam­e­ter 100mm — £48

Katy Hol­ford, both the designer and Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Cum­bria Crys­tal, has an impres­sive design back­ground and was win­ner of the Lau­rent Per­rier Design Award in 2004 and has worked with Wedg­wood, Czech & Speake, Crab­tree and Eve­lyn and Went­worth Pewter.

Cum­bria Crys­tal con­cen­trates on mak­ing every­thing by hand using tra­di­tional tech­niques and refuses to make prod­ucts over­seas or use auto­mated man­u­fac­tur­ing methods.

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