Lifestyle Magazine

Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22
Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment
Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment
Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment
Hey everyone!
My hair has been extra dry lately due to these cold temps, and I've been trying my best to avoid any breakage so I can healthily grow it looooong.
So for Christmas, I asked my cousin to get me H'suan Wen Hua from Lush. Honestly, I can't even say the name, but I love it!
Here's what Lush says, "Super-conditioning care to feed your hungry hair. It's LUSH salad dressing for the head; a nutritious treat to make hair more healthy and pleased to be alive!" and also, "Avocados are nutritious and softening, balsamic vinegar gives amazing shine, and watercress infusion is exceptionally high in vitamins and increases the tensile strength of the hair."
So far, this has been my favorite hair mask, even better than Dove's hair masks, my second favorite. This is better for my hair too, because it is made without chemicals that can strip the color in my hair, thank-you Jesus.  I'll leave it in for atleast 20 minutes, rinse it out in the shower and then shampoo after. My hair is then so soft, silky, and shiny!
 Pro's:  Super easy to distribute in  dry hair
   Natural ingredients
   Shiny, silky hair
  strengthens hair
   helps mend split ends with moisture
Cons: the smell.
It doesn't smell terrible, but I wish Lush could make it smell as amazzzzing as their other products. But, this isn't holding me back from using this.
This is one of those products  that when I run out, I will run out to Lush to go get some more!
Have you ever used this?
Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment

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