Family Magazine

Luci Light

By Evette Garside @evette77

This is the new Luci Light. It may just come in useful for Halloween and Christmas as a nice decorative feature but it's also really good for the dark evenings or nighttime.Luci Light

It does not look like a light to begin with. It's inflatable so I had to manually blow our up. No batteries are needed for this light as it runs off solar power. Placing it by a window during day time (even if minimal sun) should be enough to make it last the majority of the night.

Luci Light

It's a nice soft glow with two modes. A still light and a flickering candle like mode. My children thought the light was faulty when they saw it flickering but this is part of its features that imitate a candle. The only downside is the air vent at the top which makes the light look a bit strange. This would be much better elsewhere.

As well as a cool Xmas and Halloween decoration, this would be a good product for camping as it does not need any power source other than the sun and takes up no space.

Luci lights are available via First Ascent

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