Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Low-key Week, but Have 50 000 Views on My Blog!!

By Kc2610 @kc2610
This week has been pretty low-key, in fact really making feel a sense of belonging here and not like an English outsider. Before I start my post though, I have to say OH MY GOSH I have had 50, 000 views on this blog!! That is amazing, thank you so much to everyone who reads this. I started this thinking if anyone found it among the big internet world then I hope they would find it interesting, and never even thought I would get 50,000 views at all! So again, thank you everyone :)
It was Leonie's birthday on Monday so she invited everyone from the yard, owners and clients to her house for a BBQ. I do love a good BBQ, being a true Australian at heart, though the last German BBQ I went to was years ago at Stall Ramsbrock in Vechta. All I can remember was that there was just a lot more creamy types of salad than normal.
Leonie's BBQ was great, I had a really nice time just chilling in their amazing garden with everyone from the yard. The food was really good, and the cake for dessert was amazing! I was very excited to go back for round two the next evening, as Leonie invited me over again to help finish off the leftovers.
On wednesday the yard was really short of workers as a couple of the girls were sick, and only the rider was there but she was obviously busy riding. So me and another girl who rides there but doesn't officially work there finished the yard after riding to help Leonie out. As a thanks, Leonie took us out for dinner at our favorite family Italian restaurant which was really nice.
On Monday Seb had some acupuncture done to help complement the work that the chiropractor is doing, all to help release his back and get his hindquarters to work more underneath him. So he had a few days stretching but still working on the feeling of him being in front of my leg. I can tell straight away now if he is backing off, because it is harder to sit to him when he is a bit behind me. My god it takes a lot of hard riding to get him to go properly, and I find it helps to have my hands through a stretchy band at the front of the saddle to keep them low and together. That way, I can't pull back and let my hands overtake. I have no choice but to completely use my seat and leg with only flexing my wrist as my rein aid, and he ends up working right through his body and letting my seat and leg in. It's hard, but it's worth the sweat and concentration when he ends up being as good as he does.
Chad has been an absolute star, we are working on some shoulder in and developing his way of going so that he uses more of his entire body, not just moving his legs with a stiff ribcage. He is unbelievable for a four year-old, he just accepts everything you ask of him and sure he gets confused, but as long as you guide him in the right direction he soon understands and continues. I can't wait to compete him and develop him further as he gets older, he is such an exciting horse!
Apart from riding I've been trying to keep up to date on my college work, as I have quite a bit of summer work set. I figured it would be a good idea to make sure I get everything finished while I'm here in Germany and while I have a bit more time. Because when I get back to England and I'll have my hands full with three horses to look after, college during the day and study at night. It will also help to get my brain back into gear now so that I can get straight into it when I go back to lectures. After not being at college for a year I have to say I am a bit rusty... Concentration and sitting in one spot takes a lot of training for me to do!

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