Fashion Magazine

Love From Lisa Monahan

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

How was everyone’s Valentines Day? Unfortunately, mine was considerably dull, but I didn’t mind as I was able to relax and watch a few movies from the comfort of my home. I actually watched Wall-E for the first time, ever! My new favorite Pixar movie.

In any case, Saturday I had the chance to finally wear my NEW “Little Diamond Necklace” from Lisa Monahan Jewelry. Now, if you remember around the time I joined Chiffon Soufflè, I introduced all of you to Lisa Monahan. If you didn’t catch the scoop, click here!

Not only is this necklace handwoven, it is absolutely gorgeous, light to wear, and versatile. You can pair it with a nice blouse, a little black dress, or even with your favorite blue jeans!
Who needs a Valentine when you have Lisa Monahan?

As you can tell, I am just loving my new necklace!


I am so excited to let you in on a little secret! Next month, Lisa Monahan will be giving away a gorgeous piece from her line to ONE lucky winner! Stay tuned for details and how to enter, you don’t want to miss this one!

xo -Josie

Love From Lisa Monahan

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