Hair & Beauty Magazine

Look Younger! - My Radiant Skin Secrets

By Candyfairy


~ Puretopia Bioactive Solutions ~

Smooth & RenewGentle Exfoliating

Face Scrub!
When it comes to my skin, what it likes, doesn't like and how I keep it lookingclear and young, I'll let you in on a few of my beauty secrets.
1. I never sun bake and rarely go out in the sun.When I do I like to lather up with my favorite sunscreen.Neutrogena Beach Defence
2. I don't smoke, take drugs, party hard or drink ANY alcohol.(I know it is ok to drink some wines and they can be quite beneficial in moderation,this is just me and how I like to live my life.)
3. I try to get a good night's sleep every night.I am still currently breast feeding so this is a bit of a challenge for me at themoment, but taking a short nap during the day if you can manage it, nomore than half and hour can really give you a energy kick to tackle the restof the afternoon & evening if you've had a restless night.
4. Be active!I am in no way interested in playing sports and going to the gym.Almost everyone has no time for that these days as we lead such busy lives.So I just make sure my mind is conscious of being active throughout the day.I'm a stay at home mom of 2 kids under 5, so needless to say I don't have to thinkabout keeping active too much. I've noticed in photos when I'm active my skin glows as opposed toappearing blotchy, tired and lack luster when I'm not.Watch my tips to keep active video here!
5. Consume healthy, natural foods - limit sugar!I'll be the first to admit I love me a good sugar hit and as tempting as it is,I never feel as good as I do if I eat for example an orange instead.Oranges have always, always made me feel almost instantly better if I'm everfeeling run down or unwell. They're an amazing fruit and give me much moresustained energy than any chocolate bar or even coffee, which actually has noeffect on me. (As much as I love it anyway!)
6. Change your mind set to limit stress. This has been one of the biggest lessons I've learned to deal with in my life.I am still battling with this on a daily basis, but the mind is such an incredibleorgan, I feel like us humans could achieve so much more power and control of our lives if we just took the time to work on figuring out how to tap into it moreand in fact control it. There is room for us to evolve so much more!It is difficult to explain, but basically the things that used to stress me out the mostI try to deal with it immediately, if I can't control it I find a positive in it and focus on that. It is incredible how this effects the world around me and changes my life!Now, I know you might be thinking, what is this idiot on about, there is nopositive in this or that (Whatever it may be that you're facing) situation.Believe me, I hear you! That is why it is such a huge challenge and a dailybattle to keep under control with your mind.Anyhow, I could do a whole other blog post on this in more detail.(If you're interested,  let me know!) :)So my point? Living a stress free life, stops you using twice as manyfacial muscles in your face by frowning and limits those worry linescreasing horizontally across your forehead.Limit the stress, limit the wrinkles!
7. Moisturise, Moisturise! Moisturise!For me, this means moisturising my whole body from my hair to the solesof my feet daily!It is an effort, but a worthwhile one. I have often received complimentson how soft and smooth my skin feels. So it must work.I don't necessarily use expensive, high end moisturisers, in my experienceit doesn't make much of a difference. I just use whatever takes my fancy.I am usually captivated first by packaging, then by smell, texture and then ingredients also take my interest.Read about My Top 3 Winter Moisturisers!
8. Scrub a dub dub!I love it when I have that little bit of extra time in the shower where I canconcentrate on buffing off all those dead skin cells with a good scrub!I like to do this not only on my face, but my whole body as skin can build upall over and clog pores if not taken care of. I find my skin radiates and is clearestwhen I exfoliate regularly. I can get away with doing it about 3-4 times a weekwithout causing any irritation, depending on how abrasive the scrub is.I use the harshest ones I can find on my feet, then basically the further up the body,the more gentle exfoliaters I like to use.At the moment I'm loving this Puretopia facial scrub as it gentle enough for me touse on my face daily. The formula contains fine black and cream silica & limestone particles that leave my skin feeling super smooth and clean and fresh. It smells moisturising and refreshing with tangerine flower and it is 100% sulfate & paraben free! It contains panthenol, aloe, which soothes the skin from the scrub, pro vitamin B5 and glycerin.
LOOK YOUNGER! - MY RADIANT SKIN SECRETSSuitable for all skin types!RRP: $9.95
Thank you for reading!I hope you got something out of it and are somewhat inspired.
What are your anti ageing/radiant skin care tips?
Love Candy! xo
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* This product was kindly sent to me for review* All opinions & photographs are my own

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