Destinations Magazine

London Spy: News & Links From The Week Gone By

By Lwblog @londonwalks

London Spy: News & Links From The Week Gone ByIn the London News This Week…
TUBE: “Brightest London” Voted Best Poster – Daily Telegraph
SHERLOCK HOLMES: The Mystery of the SouthLondon Lake – This is Local London
PROPERTY: Two Bedrooms – Two Million – The Daily Mail
ARCHAEOLOGY: Roman Head Hunters – The Guardian
WEIRD: London’s Oddest Exhibits – CNN
Best of the London Blogs This Week
Moving Scenery
As walking tour guides it’s much easier – and safer! – to concentrate of static London. Luckily such blogs as The Circle of London are here to keep us informed on all matters bus-related. See red at their blog HERE
Long Live Print!
South London’s wittiest style blog My Friend’s House recently reveled in the lovely anachronism of blogging about why print is best. Here they are celebrating the launch of The Peckham Peculiar
Tuck In
Staying on South London (or simply “London” as one of my S.L chums calls it), the ever-informative Brockley Central tells us of a new café opening by the name o’ Birdie Num Nums. Delicious name, certainly. We’re looking forward to picking up on yet another good recommendation from one of the most reliable blogs out there.
Literary London
The Completely London blog has rounded up the best in London book groups. Why not follow them up and the come and tell us all about them on a Literary London Walk.
Big In Pictures
Our photoblog of the week is The 38 to Clapton Pond A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at

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