Life Coach Magazine

Little Special Children

By Latoya @latoyallawrence


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Little Special Children
.* lizel *.

ALOHA from Hawaii, LaToya! I’m a new mom of fraternal twin boys. They were born here in Nov 2017. The younger one (by 18 minutes) was born completely en caul; my midwives had to tear open the sac like a Christmas gift to bring him out after I had birthed him in the birth tub. IT WAS SO COOL!!

Right now as a toddler, he tends to walk up to people and just stare at them with his big eyes and blank expression. What is he doing? He can’t talk yet so he can’t tell me. (But later, I will definitely ask him about it :)) His brother does not do this.

My questions to you are – I’d like to know how I can support him/them in bringing their special gifts out into the world. How can I make him/them feel safe to share what he sees/feels and what actions or words can I use with him/them as they grow up? I appreciate what you’re doing here and thank you for reading my comment. Aloha!

Miss LaToya says: Hi Lizel,

Little Special Children
Congratulations on becoming a proud new mom!

First, I’m just going to let you know that I am going to make this comment a post (as my blogs are syndicated) to share for the knowledge and enrichment for those of us that spirit wants to receive and to grasp the message.

Our inquiries, experiences, insights, revelations and confirmations as people and families that are born of second-sight and preternatural ability are often beneficial and vital for our own well-being and deliberations.

Okay, there are two definite type of anointed  and significant caul births that signify and denote the special spiritual ability that is bestowed and imparted upon an individual which are the gifts of second-sight, genuine luck, and a grave and exact deep link and connection to the spiritual realm ( the other side).

One is the actual thin caul membrane itself that envelops the entire face of a newborn.

The second, is the same type of thin caul membrane that actually clings to the entire body of a newborn which is not the amniotic sac that contains fluid. It would just be the same as a facial caul only one that extends gripped around the whole entire body of the baby without any balloon shape and without any fluid filled texture of liquid flowing contents. In other words it wouldn’t appear as anything floating inside.

A baby born with the caul over their entire body would look and be fitted similar to and like a sheer pair of lady stockings pulled over one’s entire leg.

A baby born en caul is unlike the other two births yet I’ve heard many claim to experience supernatural phenomena whether they or their children are born in this fashion.

Honestly, I do not personally know anyone born “en caul”.

I myself and others that I have known were born the old fashion way with the caul gripped tightly over our entire face and around the neck area so I can only speak from experience and what comes to me through supernatural means.

I can tell you what is fact about ” lucky special children” born of the caul and that is depending on what level of capability they have as some powers and ability get stronger as they age. For the most part though is that child will be very advanced intellectually.

The child will be very wise growing up far beyond their years. They will be able to sense things about people as well as the world.

Children often do stare as they are enveloped within an innate energy of “spiritual radar” that keeps them alert and “in tune” to atmospheric frequency, constantly picking up and reading vibes from anyone and everywhere spontaneously, and sometimes even deliberately as the “knowing power” is just a part of their honest and true nature.

There is so much to being born with a caul/veil (so much that I wouldn’t be able to fit into this one post alone) and every individual is unique and may experience things differently as well.

The best and most vital thing for you to do as a parent is to love your child, accept your child and most important “listen” to your child.

They will need your trust, support, and understanding in a world that isn’t at the high level of “intangible conscious” understanding, though the world is always changing, some things still remain the same.

These gifts are very normal and natural for your child so when he has his supernatural experiences he may think that everyone has them (as I did when I was very little).

When he expresses and shares his occurrences share and talk with one another because as he’s developing it will be both a teaching and learning condition for the both of you and the family as he hones his special talents. It is also exciting, and make sure to not share everything with others because you can’t talk to everyone about just any or everything because everyone is not on the same page and because you just don’t.

It’s not warranted or necessary it’s not everyone’s business. If he gets a particular calling then so be it!

You know what I mean, you use your best judgment with those that are around you and who you come into contact with.

Teach him to be proud of who he is what he was born with and to continue to use it because that is what it is for that is what he is. Everything else will fall into place.

I want you to do as my mother did as well as your own skills, natural motherly instincts, knowledge and judgment.

The love, care, attention, nurturing, teaching and encouragement that I received at a very early age instilled and contributed within me the vital things that no one and nothing could ever take away from me today.

It all starts with a loving parent that takes the time out to invest a relationship of genuine truth and respect.

My mother treated me as “gold” when I was a child. She reprimanded me when I was wrong to show me right but she always listened to me and believed in me she watched me and noticed things that I didn’t recognize about myself until I got older.

She always stood up for me against other people and never underestimated me because of my age.

We always talked and she would tell me everything (she didn’t hide things from me) even things about her own personal life and about the “grown up things” of life and in general. In return, I wasn’t sheltered as I knew and had seen a lot within my family and within the outside world and I respected her for all that she did and sacrificed for me and I’ve always had her back because I remember the beautiful ways that I was treated as a child, the things my mother did for me, gave to me, and shared with me.

She loved me because of who I genuinely was even if she didn’t always understand me or my ways but I was always free to be me and always encouraged and supported within my goals and accomplishments.

I was born a strong person but as a child my mother’s love gave me added strength so I learned “self value”.

My mother’s belief in my talents and capabilities gave me confidence and I felt “safe and secure”.

My mother’s care, attention and regard set the preparation for my own personal blossoming into the distinct individual that I came to be along with the supernatural intervention of spiritual birthrights.

So just love and respect the special individual that your child is and let them blossom into the individual that they are meant to be as they come into their own with your own experience, knowledge and teachings guiding them along the way into a healthy adult with preternatural gifts.

Once you instil, nurture and cement all of the vital elements of harmonious productive construction within your child your child will bloom into a solid warrior!

As far as people go further in life don’t worry about that because in general people are going to be who they are right or wrong. There are all kinds and types some that believe, some that accept, some that don’t, it doesn’t matter when one accepts themself the universe opens up and makes exceptions for the exceptional which is phenomenal and those that take notice will be wanting to be accepted by us!

Spirit will bring the right types of people within your child’s life and keep the negative away. Good and open-minded people will be delighted and inspired by your child when the time comes.

Look at your child’s life as a blessing to you and your family and expect a lot of unbelievable extraordinary experiences that will shield and protect and advance you all from the ordinary perils of the world as long as you stay true to your right ways of life according to your own personal path and journey.

Good luck, I wish you all well!


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