Lifestyle Magazine

Lime Link Love // No. 2

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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Palm trees in the country

After last week which seemed like a bit of a blur, this week, so [touch wood] is casually motoring on at a lovely serene pace, disturbed only by the fact I’m now the proud owner of a fitbit.

Now anyone who knows me would know how ridiculous that really is and the only thing that is making the situation more surreal is that the spray tan I had last week for an outing at the races as lasted and at least matches the incursion on my wrist.

Although I’ve got to say it works! I dragged the whole family on a walk around the block after dinner [pictured] last night because my amount of “steps” for the day was so poor. I’m nothing if not a little susceptible to some peer pressure!

Anyway, some lovely links to read on the run or while sitting comfortably.

  • Moss gets arty ~ I would love to do this on a wall at home!
  • A lovely little quote jar
  • Loving this art lover’s home ~ and that green cupboard
  • 14 shortcuts for everyday tasks ~ who doesn’t want to add a little time to their day
  • And how about this life hack ~ cutlery trays for jewelry storage
  • Want to go here ~ the cafe shaped like a gigantic vintage camera
  • And here ~ the Eiffel Tower turns 125,  a photo round-up
  • A new bookmarking site ~ dragdis ~ good for research projects!
  • I love good grid ~ Griddzly creates custom printables grids

Hope you’re having a lovely week!

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