Hair & Beauty Magazine

Liebster Award

By Yougottabegorgeousx @yougottabgorgex
I was nominated by Nora from the Hopeless Optimistic for the Liebster award, yay. Here is my little post all about it.Liebster Award
Firstly what is it?It is something that helps newer bloggers find other bloggers who aren't as big but are just as good as all the big bloggers. It is like a chain, so when one person is nominated they have to pass it on to more and so on... Each nominee gets ten questions to answer, they tag bloggers (with under 200 followers) and ask their own ten questions. It helps bloggers to get to know each other. Does that make sense?
So onto the questions Nora asked:
Why did you start blogging?I first started by watching beauty videos and I saw that most beauty gurus on YouTube have a blog, I thought I can do that. I am way to shy to make videos but blogging is something I can do and so far I am loving it.
If you could never fail, what would you do?Ooo good question, I have no idea. I would love to make beauty/lifestyle/fashion videos. I think it is so much harder to get started on YouTube than it is on a blog. I also feel that people who make videos are more vulnerable but if I could never fail I would love to do it.
Favourite quote?"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring," Marylin Monroe.
Instagram or Twitter?I think, Instagram. I am rubbish at posting but it's great when you fancy stalking someone. 
What are you most looking forward to in 2014?Well this year I am doing my GCSEs and then going into Sixth Form, and I am quite looking forward to that. And having 3 months off for summer :)
What are you most proud of?Well I have done dancing all my life and I am really proud of how far I have come in that.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?I am definitely an introvert, I'm well quite in real life. But I can be extroverted when I am around certain people.
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?I would love to go backstage at London Fashion Week or something like that.
Favourite place?I love being by the sea, I don't know why but I just love it.
How do you stay inspired?It is hard sometimes but I love beauty and fashion and all stuff gorgeous. When I am starting to feel a lack of motivation I just find and read new blogs and I love it.
I nominate:TabithaStephEllieRachelCatAbbie
My questions are?
Who is your biggest blogger influence?What is the best thing about blogging?What is your favorite TV series?Who are your favorite bloggers?What is the most awkward situation you have found yourself in?What is your favorite brand?How do you stay organised?Why did you start blogging?What do you want to achieve this year?What is your least favorite thing abut blogging?
Allie x
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