Family Magazine

Licensed to Drive

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
The first time the brunette twin went to get her license, the facility was closed due to a state holiday. No one else was celebrating this holiday, but the State of Illinois closed all its offices.

We looked at the calendar and decided that the best option was to pull her out of school a little early one day. She skipped her last class. Daddy met her in front of the school with all the necessary paperwork.

They arrived at the driver's facility to find a long line. This is why we took her out of school. It didn't matter what day or time you arrived. There was always a long, long line. 

I was getting worried. I was afraid that they had stood in line the whole time and ran out of time. The driver's facility staff clocks out when their day ends. They don't stay around so everyone signed in can complete their task.

The blond twin walked in with a big smile. She passed her test and was now a licensed driver.  She was very excited and so were we.

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