Politics Magazine

Letter from India

Posted on the 26 June 2016 by Calvinthedog

Hassan writes:

Hello Robert. Thanks for writing good blogs about India and its incredibly inhumane and barbaric culture. I have read your other articles on India, and you are 100% correct in pointing out the ugliness of India.

Actually it’s not only India, it’s all of South Asia which is a hell hole. The caste system is a South Asian phenomenon, and Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists of Subcontinent practice it in social forms although in a much less ugly way than the Hindus do. All of Subcontinent’s cultures are backward as Hell and are anti-weak, anti-poor, anti-women, anti-rationality and superstitious as hell.

I personally identify myself with Indo-Persian culture (as I am a South Asian Muslim) which is heavily Persianized and historically much more civilized and egalitarian than low-end Indian cultures, but it does not mean that South Asian Muslims are any better than their backward Hindu counterparts. But at least Islam saves us from much of the evils of Hinduism. India’s claims of becoming the next superpower are hilarious; they can’t even build toilets for their people. Thanks for speaking the truth about that place. Keep up the good work.

In case you are wondering, I get emails and comments like this all the time on here. It’s quite clear that this is the truth about India and the whole region. If I was lying about it, why would so many Indians come here to tell me I am 100% correct?

He makes a good point that all of the cultures of South Asia are all crappy in exactly the same ways. They all practice caste, hate the poor, the weak, women (notice the connection?) and rationality and are extremely superstitious. The Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists all practice too, though a less vicious version of it. As I pointed out, the reason the whole region is sucks is that it has been Indianized and Hinduized. Even Pakistan and Bangladesh are very Indianized and Hinduized cultures, although they are Muslim. Buddhist Sri Lanka strikes me as incredibly Indianized and Hinduized.

And he is correct, Persia is and was more egalitarian and civilized than India ever was.

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