Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1242 – The Next Big Thing

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Another Easter, another notch on the family belt.

Although we still had snow on the ground (our backyard and our neighbor’s front yard are always the last to go) it actually got warm enough for several of us to put shorts on. (Hey, if it’s above freezing, that’s a heat wave.)

We had our annual hunt for baskets – no sitting on the table for us, our Easter Bunny makes you work for your goodies by following clues in hidden eggs. And we had our annual viewing of Jesus Christ Superstar which began one year when the kids were little, it was raining, and they were bored so I grabbed all the stuffed bunnies from the Easter Baskets and used them to do an interpretative dance to the *entire* soundtrack.

My kids’ only regret is that there is no video of that magnificent performance.

I’m actually okay with that.

We also had our ham dinner and lingered at the table telling stories.

And we even had time to do some sorting and move things out of the house (they will be going to Goodwill this morning, I promise.)

In short, we had a day, where nothing was scheduled and we all had a chance to sit down and breathe.

It was a very low-key and enjoyable family holiday – the way they should be.

But now it’s time to look forward. The Easter decorations have been put back in the basement, the shovels have been moved to the shed (and if we get snow because of my tempting the fates, you can all blame me), and it’s time to transition from inside to outdoors.

The next big family celebration? The first day we can eat outside on the patio without wearing our winter coats.

Basement bound

Basement bound


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at [email protected]

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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