Debate Magazine

Legitimate DGU - Missouri Store Clerk Thwarts an Armed Robbery

Posted on the 05 September 2013 by Mikeb302000

Local news reports
An armed man entered the store and pointed a gun at Jon Alexander. But the clerk, a 30-year veteran of the military, quickly pushed the robber’s gun away and drew his own — placing the gun at the robber’s mouth.

Well, I guess you could call that pointing a gun at the store clerk, but it really looked more like a slow-motion attempt at intimidation. That has to be one of the poorest excuses for an attempted armed robbery in history.
Nevertheless, the hero acted brilliantly.  Kudos to Jon Alexander for not shooting the bumbling would-be thief.
But, what if the store clerk had shot him? What would the pro-gun crowd say about that? Clearly they would have called it a good shoot and "good riddance to bad rubbish."  That's their typical response, which given this video is shown for the barbaric, unthinking, stupidity it is.
However, leaving the hypothetical scenarios aside, I unequivocally award a legitimate DGU to Jon Akexander, veteran of foreign wars and proud gun owner.
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