Food & Drink Magazine

Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

By Thecookspyjamas @thecookspyjamas
Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

One of joys of an ingredient surplus is that it frees you up to experiment. I have been working my way through my very large bag of shredded coconut. Even after a few batches of both my 3-ingredient apricot and almond, and chocolate coconut bliss balls, I still had half a bag of the coconut left. Cue experimentation time. The rest of the bag is now a large jar of oh-so-very-good Toasted Coconut Butter.

The hardest part about making Toasted Coconut Butter is toasting the shredded coconut. Coconut goes from white to burnt the moment you turn your back. The best way to achieve an even golden colour is to toast it at a low temperature, which allows for more control. Whilst this is slightly more time consuming, it is far preferable to having to toss an entire batch of burnt coconut in the bin.

Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

Filling the food processor bowl with shredded coconut is the key to smooth coconut butter. When I first started making coconut butter, I would use a minimum of four cups of shredded or dessicated coconut. I have discovered over time, however, that larger amounts produce better results. With less coconut in the bowl, the shreds do not seem to blend properly and the end product seems grainier, although still perfectly edible. Now I fill my food processor bowl to the brim before I start.

Coconut butter keeps for ages in the cupboard, so make a large batch and throw it into everything. Bliss balls are but one use for this Toasted Coconut Butter. I add large dollops to smoothies, and mix coconut butter with nut butter to spread over toast and crumpets. I also eat it by the spoonful when I need a fast energy boost. Don't store coconut butter in the fridge though as it becomes rock hard, making it very difficult to scoop it out with the aforementioned spoon.

Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

I have now used this Toasted Coconut Butter in place of normal coconut butter in both my bliss ball recipes. It's like choosing between children; I don't know which I prefer more. One thing is for sure though, in my kitchen Toasted Coconut Butter is here to stay.

Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

Kitchen Basics: Toasted Coconut Butter

Author: Tania @ The Cook's Pyjamas

    4 cups shredded coconut, minimum
  1. Preheat the oven to 160C (140C fan forced).
  2. Spread the shredded coconut evenly over two large baking trays.
  3. Toast the coconut for 4 minutes, then stir the shredded coconut thoroughly to evenly distribute the toasted shreds.
  4. Continue to bake, stirring every 2 - 3 minutes, until the coconut is evenly browned. I went for a medium brown colour, but feel free to take it darker if you prefer. Just make sure to keep a close eye on the trays towards the end of the baking time as coconut burns very quickly.
  5. Remove the trays from the oven, and allow to cool slightly.
  6. Fill your food processor bowl, and process for at least 5 - 8 minutes, until the shreds become liquid.
  7. Pour into a glass jar, and allow to cool. The butter will harden on cooling.
  8. Store in a dark cupboard for up to six months.

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