Lifestyle Magazine

Kelly and Anthony’s Modern Wedding at Wasing Park

By Claire

Kelly wears a won­der­ful dress by Eng­lish designer Kate Sher­ford, and Anthony’s suit is a smart her­ring­bone style from Stafford Tai­lor­ing. They used sim­ple but very ele­gant white flower bou­quets and dec­o­ra­tions, and a deep teal color for brides­maids and table decor through­out the venue. The light in the glass cer­e­mony room is fab­u­lous, and the rus­tic con­verted barn where the wed­ding break­fast takes place is warm and welcoming.

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (2)

All today’s images are by the very lovely Karen Flower Pho­tog­ra­phy. Karen is a Sur­rey wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher known for her con­tem­po­rary reportage style. You can find out more about her at

Huge con­grat­u­la­tions to Kelly and Anthony! I’m so proud to have you on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog this morn­ing. Thank you so much for a won­der­ful wed­ding report and for allow­ing me to share your beau­ti­ful wed­ding with every­one today. Claire x

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (3)

A mod­ern wed­ding at Was­ing Park — Kelly and Anthony

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (4)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (5)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (6)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (7)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (8)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (9)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (10)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (11)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (12)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (13)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (14)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (15)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (16)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (17)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (18)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (19)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (20)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (21)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (22)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (23)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (24)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (25)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (26)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (27)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (28)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (29)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (30)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (31)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (32)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (33)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (34)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (35)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (36)

Wedding at Wasing Park by Karen Flower Photography (37)

The bride and groom:

Kelly and Anthony Huxley

Wed­ding venue:

Was­ing Park, Read­ing, Berkshire

Wed­ding photographer:

Karen Flower Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Mod­ern with a rus­tic feel but styl­ish. Cream roses through­out with teal green color scheme.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

Sil­hou­ette bride and groom style invitations

What did you both wear?

I wore a Kate Sher­ford dress– ‘Petra’ from a gor­geous bou­tique bridal bou­tique in Fleet, Hamp­shire called Tilly Mint. Shoes from Next Bridal and acces­sories were a gift from my hus­band from Tilly Mint also.

Groom: all match­ing suits (her­ring­bone) from Stafford Tai­lor­ing in Fleet, Hamp­shire. We had sil­ver waist­coats for every­one with match­ing teal green from the brides­maid dress for the cra­vats– except Anthony who wore silver.

The wed­ding ceremony

The cer­e­mony was in the gar­den room at Was­ing Park which is sit­u­ated at the back of the venue behind the barn! It was all glass and the room was full of bright day­light. As I walked down the path towards it the shut­ters came down so I couldn’t be seen by the guests until I was walk­ing down the aisle!

I had my 3 older brides­maids with me. My two best friends Louise and Katy and my sis­ter Laura fol­lowed by my two nieces Chloe and Carys and my two cousins Madi­son and Eloise. As I arrived and got in place James Mor­ri­son– You Make It Real played and the amaz­ing cer­e­mony started.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Our wed­ding venue was a con­verted barn, so it was very mod­ern but had old fea­tures. We chose to do a cham­pagne and cock­tail theme. Table cen­tre­pieces were large mar­tini /champagne flutes filled with flow­ers. The names of the tables were cham­pagne names… ours being Bollinger as Anthony pro­posed to me with this in a barn in Corn­wall


Our favours were Jelly Belly Cock­tail Clas­sics (cock­tail flavor sweets-yum) in cham­pagne flutes for the guests to eat and take away with them.

We dec­o­rated the cer­e­mony room with can­dles and lanterns with scat­tered petals down the aisle. The barn and cer­e­mony room was just so gor­geous it didn’t need much decoration.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We had for the cer­e­mony our friend Gavin Thomas (Gavin and his gui­tar) for the cer­e­mony music and In between the recep­tion) fol­lowed by Moon­raker Disco for the evening.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

where do i start…

  • Wak­ing up with my mum, nan, sis­ter and two best friends on a glo­ri­ous sunny morn­ing know­ing in just a few hours I was mar­ring Anthony was the best feeling.
  • Step­ping into my dress with my brides­maids around me and adding the fin­ish­ing touches just as my dad walked in with the biggest smile on his face!!!!!!! He was sooooo happy and I couldn’t wait to do this.
  • Most mem­o­rable was stand­ing behind the closed doors to the aisle and ‘our song’ com­ing on. It just hit me and I had to hold back the tears as Dad took away my veil from my face and Anthony was just stand­ing there and he took my hand gave it the biggest squeeze and was just beam­ing with a smile. Was the scari­est and most nerve wrack­ing thing, yet absolutely won­der­ful feel­ing that me and Anthony will never forget.

Wed­ding day advice:

Do not stress. Plan and get things done early so you can enjoy it. It’s soooo spe­cial. I didn’t stress once (except when my cake fell over on the jour­ney to the venue the night before)

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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