Politics Magazine

Kavanaugh's Nomination Does Not Have Majority Approval

Posted on the 18 July 2018 by Jobsanger
Kavanaugh's Nomination Does Not Have Majority Approval
The chart above reflects the results of the latest Pew Research Center survey. They queried 1,007 adults nationwide between July 11th and 15th, and the survey had a margin of error of 3.7 points.
They asked if Trump's latest choice for Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh, should be confirmed or not confirmed. The result was rather underwhelming. There was not a majority saying he should be confirmed. About 41% wanted him confirmed, while 36% did not -- a difference of only 5 points.
Republicans (by 64 points), men (by 17 points), 50-64 (by 24 points), and over 65 (by 16 points) said he should be confirmed.
Democrats (by 47 points), women (by 7 points), 18-29 (by 6 points), and 30-49 (by 9 points) said he should not be confirmed.

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