Family Magazine

Kate's Favourite Things - January 2016

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
It's a short edition this month, but I do have a few great recos!
The life-changing magic of tidying up: the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing by Marie Kondo
Kate's Favourite Things - January 2016
I'm sure you're already aware that I am so on board with the idea of decluttering, but even I don't take it quite as far as the author does: I don't unpack every item from my handbag every night or thank my shoes for the work they did supporting my feet.
I do agree with Kondo that people should worry less about elaborate storage systems and label-making and just get rid of stuff! (When she writes of dozens of garbage bags she helped clients get dispose of, I hope it was actual trash - I am really big on recycling and donating everything I possibly can when I declutter!)
This book is a very interesting read, and just may inspire you to start the year fresh with a big tidy-up!
If you know me at all, you won't believe for a minute that I only read one book this month. The thing is, I actually read about seven...and this is the only one I liked enough to recommend! We'll see what next month has in store!
Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I was not at all hyped up about this movie. I watched Return of the Jedi in the theater way back when, and I'm pretty sure that's the only Star Wars movie I had ever seen. However, my husband suggested we watch the first six together as a family over the holidays, and my interest was (slightly) piqued...and the girls got really pumped. Once we were all caught up on the stories, we were ready for the new movie. We splurged for the AVX theater so we could select our seats in advance and not have to worry about the crowds, and I will have to admit that I enjoyed the film. I loved the reappearance of original characters blended with new ones (including a kick-butt young woman) and the storyline had a lot of "human" elements, if that makes sense. (Sci-fi is not my scene.) It was a special family experience that I don't think our girls will forget for a long time.


Kate's Favourite Things - January 2016

This is exactly what I expected from Tina Fey and Amy Poehler: funny and light, with sparks of depth here and there. I don't foresee it as an awards-season frontrunner (or runner at all) but it was a great girls'-night-out. Even from the second row, because being on time isn't for everyone. Ahem.

Powerful. Disturbing. That ends my commentary.
Winter Star by The Winn Sisters
And of course my favorite video: my beautiful girls singing Johnny Reid's Winter Star at the community Christmas concert (with Daddy on piano). If you missed it, you can catch it here!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Kate's Favourite Things - January 2016

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