Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Jupiter Conjunct Canopus - Setting Sail for Pastures New.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro


This conjunction is active now until 14 January 2014. It occurs at 15:09 degrees Cancer

Jupiter is just moving into a conjunction with the fixed star Canopus, the star in the constellation Carinae, the Keel, which forms a part of the great southern ship of the skies, the Argo.The keel of a ship is the part which determines the direction it will go in. Canopus as suggests from this description was known as the navigator by the Egyptians. Canopus is also connected to the concept of time as well as strong leadership. Ptolemy said of the whole constellation of the Argo that it brings prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind and spirit.

Jupiter in line with Canopus is a wonderfully exuberant connection and the idea of travel and exploration and the promotion of faith is very strong with this link up. As the new year starts up and with all the pressures of the cardinal cross and the potent new Moon at the beginning of 2014, I think that the progressive nature of going on a journey is something that we must all do, and when better to set out our intentions than right now?

Whatever your position, whether it be good or bad, the optimism and hope instilled in this conjunction is something we must all grab hold of. The thing is, rather than a physical journey, this is one of the mind as Jupiter is retrograde, so this conjunction is looking for you to change your ideas and your attitudes rather than actually starting something new and tangible. We can plan now and act when this aspect comes around again with Jupiter moving direct in late April.

So here's the plan. Raise the anchor, hoist the mainsail and set your course through the choppy waters of 2014. Make it an exciting journey everyone xxx

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