Business Magazine

Join Us for a Global Entrepreneurship Twitter Chat

Posted on the 09 November 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

Join Us for a Global Entrepreneurship Twitter Chat

Next week is Global Entrepreneurship Week, a worldwide celebration of the people whose big ideas drive innovation and create jobs. Join us on Tuesday, November 13, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM EST, on the hashtag #GEWChat for a global discussion of how entrepreneurship contributes to economic, social, and democratic development. (Find out what time the chat will be in your country.)

Joining us will be CIPE partners and entrepreneurs from around the world, including:

Sarfaz Rahman is the CEO of Dawood Foundation, part of Dawood Group, one of the top family-owned businesses in Pakistan. He is a Chartered Accountant who has worked at Unilever, Glaxo Smith Kline, Pepsico, and Engro Foods.

EmprendeAhora is a program run by CIPE partner Instituto Invertir that teaches entrepreneurship and leadership skills to students in Peru.

Camelia Bulat is a CIPE consultant and the director of the Regional Center for Organization Management in Romania.

Rami Shamma is Project Manager for the Development for People and Nature Association in Lebanon, which works on youth entrepreneurship issues.

…and more!

You can keep up with all of our Global Entrepreneurship Week coverage and events here on the CIPE blog (starting on Monday), or follow us on Twitter @CIPEGlobal and Facebook.


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