Lifestyle Magazine


By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Hello Freckles John Lewis Secret Santa Blogger Jo MaloneA few weeks ago I was contacted by John Lewis and asked if I wanted to take part in their Give With Love Secret Santa Campaign. Of course I said yes and here's what I received from my mysterious sender.Hello Freckles John Lewis Secret Santa Blogger Jo MaloneHello Freckles John Lewis Secret Santa Blogger Jo MaloneDaisy from PrettyGreenTea was paired with me and she's actually beaten me to it, by blogging about the gifts I picked out for her; an instax mini 8 and some of my favorite charbonnel et walker truffles - I'm so pleased she liked them. I enjoyed reading her blog, finding out about where she'd traveled to and it certainly gave me itchy feet to book a city break somewhere soon. I thought the instax mini camera would be great to take some travel photos, especially for compiling a scrapbook after the trip and it's nice to use something other than a DSLR or smartphone every now and then.

I was so excited to open my gifts and see what Daisy had picked out for me. With secret santa swaps you can never be sure what to expect, but John Lewis were really generous with the amount we were able to spend and recent wishlist posts were probably really helpful to give an idea of what I like! 

Imagine my face when I opened the parcel to see a Jo Malone box! I was even more excited to see it was Peony and Blush Suede - the exact scent I'd been considering buying after payday! It smells great, light and floral and the Christmas green bow on the gift box is such a lovely touch - I'll definitely be holding onto that.

Alongside my Jo Malone perfume - as if that wasn't enough of a gift in itself - were some Prestat Marc De Champagne Pink Truffles which I'd never tried before. I may have already eaten (over) half the box, so it's safe to say they're pretty yummy! Chocolates are always a great little extra with a present though, aren't they? 

What do you think of my blogger secret santa gifts? Would you be happy to receive these?
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Thanks John Lewis for asking me to get involved with this campaign!

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