Business Magazine

Job Search: Look Before You Leap

Posted on the 02 October 2014 by Asuccessfulcareer

At some time or other, many of you have probably found yourselves in a work situation that was a disaster–or close to it. When that disaster involves a boss who exhibits out-of-control or other toxic behavior, your situation becomes a waking nightmare. The question is: Could you have done something–anything–to avoid that?

Job Search Guidelines Worth Remembering

You might already know some of these, but if you haven’t been keeping them in mind while planning and conducting your job search, it’s time to rethink your approach. At any rate, here are a few points to consider if you hope to avoid disaster in your next job:

  • Block desperation with observation: Even if you urgently need a new job, make a conscious effort to keep your powers of observation sharp. You don’t want to overlook signs (including subtle ones) that would suggest proceeding with caution in deciding whether to accept an offer if it comes.
  • Investigate as thoroughly and as objectively as you can: Job postings can sometimes sound like dream opportunities you’d be crazy to pass up. After all, companies want to hire someone, not scare candidates away, so they’re usually trying to put their best foot forward. If you want the best available information to make a decision, you need to conduct your due diligence almost as thoroughly as a company does when considering an acquisition.
  • Evaluate the elements that are most important to you and rank them in order of priority: For example, if you prize integrity and ethical behavior, you probably won’t be happy working for a company or a boss who acts as if the end justifies any means necessary. On the other hand, if you would rather not travel all the time but don’t mind traveling a fair amount if necessary, a position that’s described as needing 75% travel might not be a problem.
  • Pay careful attention to not only what is said but how it’s said–and by whom: Listen and watch before, during and after job interviews to note how your would-be boss interacts with you and those around him/her that already work there. What does he/she say, what tone of voice and/or facial expressions are used, etc.? You want to be sensitive to nuances that might not be really obvious. Someone who speaks disparagingly of people he/she works with or manages might be someone who goes off the rails without provocation.

How Bad Can It Get?

The answer is, pretty bad. A classic case in point is a recent blog post by Nick Corcodillos (Ask The Headhunter). A reader sent in a description of his just-left situation that was horrific. It was so bad that he quit without another job lined up. Part of Corcodillos’ response was: “Please remember a piece of advice my mentor gave me many years ago…: Never work with jerks. As you learned while facing the sick wrath of your boss, It’s the people, Stupid. (No offense intended. We all need to think about that.)” He went on to add, “I compliment you for not resigning on the spot in anger. It’s critical to take time to think, and to act with forethought and grace.”

A much better alternative than struggling with a horrendous work environment, if you can manage it, is to prevent your job search from dumping you into a situation that could be hazardous to your health in more ways than one. Before you decide to accept an offer, ask yourself honestly if you’ve done everything you reasonably could to minimize your risk and maximize your opportunity.


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