Politics Magazine

“Jews and Whites,” the Last Word

Posted on the 24 August 2017 by Calvinthedog

Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians are still Caucasoid and are actually considered white by white national socialists, actually. Unless you mean skinheads/neo-Nazis? Also, as a Ashkenazi, yeah we aren’t White. What’s so wrong about that?

I absolutely feel that all Ashkenazi Jews are White people! It’s a tribe of the Whites. The problem with this White tribe is that they deny that they are White, usually very angrily, and frankly, they hate all the other White tribes. In fact, they are often at war with the rest of the Whites and spend a lot of their time attacking the very notion of Whiteness even though they are White themselves!

Ashkenazi Jews are a self-hating White tribe who deny they are White and spend most of their time attacking the other White tribes.

I suppose you could say that they are traitors to the Whites. I mean, they are a part of our people who refuses to join our side and instead works with the enemy to attack us!

I will never accept the notion that Jews are not White, that Jews are the enemy of the Whites, or that Jews are bad for Whites. None of this makes sense because Jews are White themselves! However, if you are argue that the Jews are a treasonous White tribe who has gone over to the enemy, I am with you there.

I will add that there are definitely some Jews who say they are White and even take pride in Whiteness. They like White people and White culture and identify as White themselves. I know some Jews like that, and in my opinion, they are some pretty cool people.

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