Food & Drink Magazine

Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
I was very privileged to be sent an array of Japanese snacks from online store Oyatsu Cafe and I'll be reviewing more of their products in the upcoming days. At the top of my list when looking at the selection of Japanese snacks available at Oyatsu Cafe were these Cheeseburger Cheetos. Even though the flavor is most definitely not a traditional one for Japan, the packaging is quintessentially Japanese. The shiny red and gold colours on the front are a cut above any other Cheetos I've seen or purchased before. And if you look closely at the packaging it's not just a juicy cheeseburger that is featured on the front.
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
Who also spotted the large glass of Pepsi in the background? These Cheeseburger Cheetos are in fact a collaboration between Frito Lay and Pepsi (who of course are both part of the same company anyway).
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
I cracked open a bottle of Pepsi (well it's Diet Pepsi but I think that still counts!) and then settled down to a Cheeseburger Cheetos and Pepsi feast.
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
These Cheeseburger Cheetos are the crunchy type of Cheetos rather than the puffy variety. For UK readers they're a lot like Nik Naks in shape and texture.
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
The cheeseburger flavor in these in just incredible. It's not just a generic meat flavour, it's a full on juicy-cheeseburger-in-a-snack flavor. They're not just a fun novelty snack, these Cheeseburger Cheetos are also seriously delicious and moreish. The taste of burger, cheese, relish, tomato and lastly sweet gherkin, all combine to create the perfect cheeseburger flavor. Without a doubt the tastiest Cheetos I've tried so far.
Japanese Cheeseburger Cheetos (Oyatsu Cafe)
You can order these from Oyatsu Cafe for the great price of $2.99 (approx £1.98), where they will be sent direct from Japan. I had a very good experience with the shipping of my order - the parcel came very quickly in just over a week. Oyatsu Cafe say it should take between 7 to 14 days if you choose standard Airmail delivery. Postage costs vary according to the weight of your order and there are other postage options available.
Don't forget to get 15% off your order at Oyatsu Cafe if you use the discount code:
This is available for all orders internationally and with no limits. Check out the Oyatsu Cafe range of hard to find Japanese snacks from Kit Kats to Pocky!
These Cheeseburger Cheetos were very kindly sent to me by Oyatsu Cafe for review but all views are my own. I don't receive any compensation if you order from Oyatsu Cafe or use the above code. 

Grocery Gems Verdict: Cheeseburger Cheetos
RATING: 9 out of 10.
Buy them again?: A great snack that is worth a try.

Purchased: Available at Oyatsu Cafe
Price: $2.99 (approx £1.98).

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