Hair & Beauty Magazine

January 2016 Goals Plus Schedule Update

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Hey Everything & Nothin' Family! I wanted to share my 2016 goals/resolutions with you. I am so thankful for you all and all that I accomplished in 2015! I couldn't have done everything without you all! You all are an inspiration to me and I love reading your posts and comments. Anyway, this year I am doing things a little different. I am only picking two goals/resolutions. In the past, I have set out to accomplish too many goals. I end up failing 2 months into them. I think when you plan too many goals/resolutions you get discouraged when you fail at one. You then give up and stop all your goals. At least that is what happens to me. So this year, I am setting two big goals. If I make these goals/resolutions a habit, then I will add two more goals 6 months into the year. It will be part of my award for accomplishing two goals. So let's get onto the goals for 2016!

My 2016 Goals:

1.) Start A YouTube Channel

This is my huge goal for 2016. I have watched YouTube before Michelle Phan was even well-known. I totally wanted to start a channel then, but always made excuses. However, excuses are over. I am going to start my channel. I know my first few videos will be rough drafts and they will improve in time. I am so excited for this journey and can't wait to come up with never before seen content. I want my channel to be unlike all the other beauty channels (this will take time...and totally what most YouTubers strive for). I know I will have all y'alls support because you support me so much with my blog. I just can't say thank you enough!

Side Note: I can't believe I have been blogging for only 6 months and have so many followers. You all mean the world to me and I love supporting you too. I can't wait to see what 2016 brings for all your blogs! Never Give Up! Don't focus on the views...focus on getting to know other blogger's and publishing content. The views and followers will come!

Back to YouTube...I am totally nervous, but totally excited (WOAH way too many totallys...YouTuber ready?...I think YES)! I can't wait to start filming next week. I will upload about 10 videos to start with and then start publishing twice a week. I am aiming for a new video every Monday & Friday for now. I will definitely update you all when I have my first videos uploaded. EEEK! I am just so excited!

2.) Get Healthy

This goal goes without saying and almost everyone takes some version of this goal as their New Year's Resolution. I have totally neglected this side of Everything & Nothin'! Enough is enough and I am going to get healthy in 2016. I am going to take it one day at a time! I am going to set small attainable sub goals. Once I accomplish the sub goal, I will move onto the next sub goal. It is a slow and steady journey...key word...steady! Sub Goal #1: DRINK MORE WATER! I am going to accomplish this goal for January and then move on to a new sub goal in February. I will definitely be blogging this journey.

Those are my two 2016 goals/resolutions! I can't wait to see how far I have come at the end of the year.

Also, due to starting a YouTube Channel, I have revamped my blogging schedule. I will still be blogging as much as possible and you will see new posts from me every day. I will post deals, freebies, and spoilers constantly. I will still write review subscription boxes (DUH). I will be adding Youtube posts Mondays and Fridays. I won't be doing Pins of the Week anymore because I just don't have time. I will use my YouTube channel for some cool Pinterest videos though. I also will be doing Tip Tuesday, Sunday Share, and Beauty Hacks whenever I find great content for these posts (AKA sporadically). I will post Makeup Of The Days whenever I do my makeup (possibly with an added YouTube video too). I will still do my monthly posts and Subscription Testing posts. However, some of these may turn into YouTube Videos. I also want to publish a new "Featured Post" every week. This post will be a mystery and will be posted different days/times each week. Note: App Attack will now be a monthly post! These are a few changes that will be occurring in my blogging schedule. See below for updated blogging schedule!


Here's to a fantastic 2016!! I love you all!!


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