Arts & Crafts Magazine

James - Butterflies!

By Dena13
So did everyone get their sale stamps from LOTV the other day? Wow! That was one amazing sale huh!!
I have a card to show you using James-Butterflies!  I tell ya, I LOVE these sweet stamps.  I mean who doesn't love a cute bear stamp right!?
James - Butterflies!
I colored James with my Inktense Pencils and used some of that amazing Frantage stuff my friend got me for Christmas.  You add this stuff to the Frantage and it is all sparkly! Love it!  It's called Glitter Scintillement!
James - Butterflies!
I've used some Magnolia Doohickey dies.  The papers are super old, but I love the vibrant colors! Bring on the Spring!!!!!!  Oh I also cut the shape from my Cricut.
Thank you for stopping by my ole blog today!  I hope your weather is ok where you are.  Ours is chilly and raining! Yikes!!! Good crafting weather though!
Be back soon!
Hugs, Dena

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