Food & Drink Magazine

Jackpots Lightly Salted Crisps Review!

By Pepper Bento

A few weeks back I reviewed some interesting Guinness flavoured crisps and mentioned that some crisps sound amazing but taste……not so amazing.

Thankfully that wasn’t the case with the Guinness crisps which were actually very nice but sadly some just don’t cut the mustard.

A crisp is a simple thing really and the chance of screwing them up seems quite low, especially considering they are made of potato.

Potato is good.

In theory, getting a good quality potato, some hot oil and some salt would be lovely in just about any moderately skilled person’s hands.

Jackpot Lightly Salted Crisp Bag

Now I’m not saying that the guys that make “Jackpots” aren’t skilled but unfortunately their crisps really didn’t translate well to the packet.

I love the name Jackpots which I can only hope is a pun on England’s “Union Jack” flag and “Potatoes”.

Of course it also means a jackpot, a pot of gold, a shed load of money, y’know something great!

Jackpot Lightly Salted Crisps 2

100% natural flavours!

Jackpot Lightly Salted Crisps 3

Grown and hand cooked on a family farm, what more could you wish for?

Jackpot Lightly Salted Crisps Ingredients

Just looking at the packaging, these are getting better and better in my mind.

British farm grown potatoes hand cooked on the farm with just potatoes, oil and sea salt as ingredients, just amazing.

I mentioned earlier that the taste wasn’t great and that is not a fair way to describe these at all because that really isn’t the problem.

The problem is the texture.

Jackpot Lightly Salted Crisps

The taste is actually really lovely and I’m not sure I have ever had crisps that taste as nice from a packet.

They taste like real potatoes, with salt and oil.
In fact they really taste like chips you would get from the fish and chip shop which is certainly no bad thing.

Unfortunately, as much as I like a crispy crisps, these are almost jaw shattering and sadly it ruins what could be an amazing bag of crisps.

Obviously a lot of work has gone into growing and cooking these so it is all the more a shame, especially since they have such good potential.

Sadly though, even the most die hard lovers of crispiness might find these hard to crunch.

I really wanted these to be fantastic, they sound, look and taste the part but they are just too hard to be eaten with any pleasure.

You never know, it could be that this was an exception and I got a bad batch but I can’t say I would recommend what I got in my pack.

No jackpot this time I’m afraid.

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