Destinations Magazine

It is July... Honest

By Alternativeeden @markngaz
The breakfast host on our local radio station the other day started the show by saying what a lovely autumnal morning it was, great for September... Although he then had to spoil it by reminding us that its early July, and not autumn yet! The summer so far this year seems to be a bit of a wash out, with regular reports of a months rain being dropped in 24 hours in various places around the country, with devastating results in some towns.
So whilst the wet weather is annoying for us, at least it hasn't caused any damage. That said it has caused some delays with the pond project, rain and cement don't mix well, rain and painting don't mix well, rain and... well you get the picture.
However the garden itself is looking great, lush growth all over and fantastic new culms on the bamboos. There has been enough warm spells recently to get things moving. With that in mind its a good opportunity to check whats looking good at the moment in the garden.

It is July... Honest

I'm glad to see some of the small statues in the garden finally going green!

It is July... Honest

Magnolia denudata 'McCracken's Variegate' has started to take off this year, with lots of strong new growth.

It is July... Honest

Lilium hansonii

It is July... Honest

It is July... Honest

The Bamboos love the wet weather - new shoots on Phyllostachys aurea

It is July... Honest

This young Schefflera rhododendrifolia in full flush

It is July... Honest

Butter yellow new cane on Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis'

It is July... Honest

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'

It is July... Honest

Looking forward to seeing the bloom on this Magnolia macrophylla ssp. Ashei as it hasnt flowered for us before.

It is July... Honest

Knickers finding a spot amongst the agaves

It is July... Honest

The jungle looks very lush this year

It is July... Honest

Unusual to see cyclamen flowers at this time of year

It is July... Honest

Graptopetalum paraguayense

It is July... Honest

A handy resting spot for a small fly on this Edelweiss

It is July... Honest


It is July... Honest

Hopefully we will get some more consistently warmer weather for the rest of the summer!

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