Hair & Beauty Magazine

Is This My Blog Or Myspace?

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
Back in the days of Myspace I took surveys ALL.THE.TIME. I enjoyed the opportunity to tell people something about me that they might not know. I saw this survey over on ChickPool's blog and decided I'd fill it out. 

Who was your favorite celebrity as a child? Michael Jackson. Still my favorite. Probably will be my favorite forever. 

What type of pets do you have? ::bursts into tears::

What is your favorite color? Purple. 

What is most memorable about your high school years? Performing with pep squad, being in school plays and shows. 

What word describes you best? Quirky. 

What is your greatest accomplishment? Successfully living alone.  

What drives you every day? My desire to do better, do more, see more, have more..etc.

What is your favorite food? Potatoes, all kinds of potatoes. 

Where do you want to retire? Somewhere that isn't a city, that has water, and sand.

What is your business goal this year? Create a successful website for the non-profit I work for. Increase my blog traffic. Be cast in Orange is the New Black and/or a prominent theater show in Philly. 

Where do you like to vacation? Caribbean cruises. 

Who do you admire? People able to choose healthy lifestyles over convenience and french fries. 

What is your mission?  To be an arts leader in Philadelphia, and a successful blogger, and to one day start a family. 

If you were invisible, where would you go? I honestly don't know!

What traits in others are you attracted to? Being hardworking, follow-through, being savvy, strength. 

What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you? Hubs is constantly showing my kindness. 

How do you want to be remembered? Kind, fun, happy, strong, inspiring. 

What would you do with a million dollars? Pay off all my bills. Donate to the non-profit I work for. Find my grandmother the best doctors available. Fix up my grandparents house. Hire a live in aid for my grandparents. Buy my husband some absurdly expensive tech gadget that he'll only use for like a year. 

If you were on an island, who would you want to be with? Why? Hubs of course. We always plan for zombie apocalypses so I think we'd do good on an island. 

You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about? The importance of being yourself. 
Is this my blog or Myspace?

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