Family Magazine

“Is It True That Resumes with Typos Get Immediately Thrown in the Trash?”

By Michelle Merritt @michellemerritt

"Is it true that resumes with typos get immediately thrown in the trash?" 🗑

I hope not. It wouldn't surprise me though if that happens - humans can be incredibly shortsighted.

I made a typo just this week that almost got me in trouble.
Did you know that if you accidentally drop the 'f' from "shift" it becomes, well, you know - 💩

I didn't catch it.
MS Word didn't catch it.
Grammarly, which I love, didn't catch it
Luckily my editor caught it. 🍀

I was almost forever known as the author of a book that told people to 'sh*t focus' in their careers!! 😆

Bottom line: Get somebody you trust to read what you write if it's important!

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