Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Iran Shaken by Huge Earthquake - 7.8 on Richter Scale

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

PAG 134

There has been a huge earthquake in the Middle East east of the town of Khash in Eastern Iran, close to the Pakistan border – it occurred at 15:14 local time. This will be hitting the newswires soon but the chart is remarkably similar to the Boston Chart, with the Moon now in opposition to Pluto forming a t-square onto an 8th house Uranus. The volatile Sun conjunction to Mars is also in the 8th house of death and destruction. I am waiting on news of casualties as this is a remote part of Iran, nevertheless a massive earthquake on this scale will be felt across a wide wide area.

IranEarthquake natal

In my estimation, all these events are being triggered by Pluto now retrograde starting to tighten the square between itself and Uranus as well as Mars and the Sun making a nasty fiery conjunction in Aries. We also have an inconjunct aspect closing in with Uranus making the aspect to Saturn. Uranus has the forward motion so shocks and rebellion will take precedence now over stability and the rule of law. These are volatile days and more to come with eclipse season soon upon us… 

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